BBC Blast and The Poetry Society have partnered up to bring you this year's SLAMbassadors competition. Six winners will be invited to a two day masterclass event to be held in London with leading UK poets. The winners will also get the chance to show their skills at a live slam poetry event and perform alongside professional poets including Scroobius Pip and Benjamin Zephaniah!
Write an original piece (poem or rap) on the theme of identity and win the chance to perform at a live slam poetry event. Record your original track in less than 60 seconds and upload to our showcase now!
What is slam poetry? Slam is the competitive art of performance poetry, spoken word and rap. To find out more SLAMbassadors workshops are running during Blast on Tour events in: London, Bristol, Liverpool (e-mail for full details), Sunderland, Salford and Leeds. Click here for full details of how to get involved.