Friday 5 September 2008

Well Swung Shots

Apologies that this is a bit after the fact but this time last week there was a buzz in the theatre roud about htis time as a group of young people prepared for their stage debut with the preview night of Well Swung.

I really enjoyed the show. The music was great (the swing version of the Scissor Sisters Filthy Gorgeous was my fave). The energy of the cast and their obvious talent was impressive. It makes me wonder how many other young people in the Bolton area are hiding their acting and singing lights under a bushel. I am sure they would be delighted to know that the audience seemed as equally enthralled with their performance as I.

William Hare Bar whispers: not only was the performance on Friday night enough to bring a grown man to tears (your secret is safe with me) , some heavyweight acting talent, who watched the show, were overheard saying how much they enjoyed it also. Who needs X-factor when you have got young people out there that are willing to take their chance on the stage and deliver so wonderfully?

A high five to activ8 for a good job, well done.....


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