Along with contacting me about the line-up for the next event it seems Brad has not only been organising the Cityscape nights but has been making videos for his band Merchandise in his spare time. Not that he has a lot of spare time but the time he has he uses to the max. This video shoot took place whilst Mr Wood was waiting for a pizza. Brad explains a bit more about it here...
This video was shot at Unconvention in Salford on Friday night after a conversation (over a few beers and then a pizza) about video costs. Andrew Dubber from New Music decided we should make one then and there in the pizza shop. He got out a small digital camera and I quickly told my “co-star” Tracy Dempsey what the song was about and we synched to my ipod.
Afterwards, Dubber ripped the track from the ipod to his mac and in a few minutes we had this vid. It’s had tons of hits really quickly and loads of comments on the newmusicstrategies site. Have a look and let us know what you think of the budgetless (well Dubber got half a kebab pizza out of it) video as Merchandise go viral . . .
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