The Crucible opened on Thursday. Having had a sneak preview of the dress rehearsal, I couldn't wait to see this with an audience. The piece has a cinematic feel to it which I am sure is something to do with the amazing music, composed for us by Chris Madin. And, if ever a production is suited to the round, it is this one. Being in the round gives the piece a realism (or is it naturalism??), as the actors interact with each other and 'look in' on proceedings rather than 'talking to the audience' as they might in a more conventional stage set up.
I found the seating layout particularly effective during the court scenes. I must admit to squirming in my seat on numerous occasions, not due to that fact I wasn't enjoying the show but I felt, as an audience member, I was also part of the court. A silent witness to the events taking place on stage, and powerless to prevent the tragic outcome or expose the accusers! Anyway I think that's enough from me. Why not take a look at some of the production photos? Ian had his work cut out on this one, what with a cast of 18 to focus on and a round stage, but he has pulled it off with some fantastic images. Thanks Ian.
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